Need help on who to rank up first to rank 4(ubduped)

HygghuHygghu Member Posts: 145
2. Hypiron
3. Guillotine
4. Venom
5. Star lord


  • bhuv9191bhuv9191 Member Posts: 320 ★★
    Ofcourse Hyperion... He's poison immune and his stack fury + specials do huge damages. If you are about to start Act 4 quest, he's most needed.. Better defender/offender in AW.. Just go with him..
  • DLegendDLegend Member Posts: 745 ★★★
    Hyperion. If you are planning to do ROL, go for guillotine
  • smdam38smdam38 Member Posts: 1,851 ★★★★
    I'd go starlord. The rest are fine without dupe.
  • smdam38smdam38 Member Posts: 1,851 ★★★★
    You'll dupe him soon.
  • TonyStarkTonyStark Member Posts: 354
    Hyperion for sure.
    Don't R4 Star-Lord unless you dupe him.
  • GunzoGunzo Member Posts: 719 ★★
    I'm not sure if Ulton and Hypiron are in the game but I recommend you the first one ;)
    ultron. no need to be duped to be effective
  • GunzoGunzo Member Posts: 719 ★★
    Ohh so Ulton is Ultron... So who's Hypiron?
  • SMiller80SMiller80 Member Posts: 230 ★★
    Hyperion. He's the only one of those worth r5 without a dupe. So invest in him.

    The SL argument (rank him up and wait to dupe him) is a difficult one to buy. I did that, and it worked very badly. He was one of my first 4*s and it took a very long time to dupe him. It's your first r4, rank up the champs most useful now.

    I don't think ranking up Ultron is a bad idea. He's probably the second option. Guillotine is fantastic too, but having immunities is very helpful when you start questing.
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