Cable boss in Aq map3

Why is it that day 3 onwards cable boss seems really overpowered I have never struggled against a boss this bad seems 2 hits on 4* r4 and I'm dead or else degen seems to get you even a r4 5* yj seems to die so quick I've faced uncollected bosses without this much trouble plus I'm told map 5 and 6 bosses are significantly easier to fight how can this be? Kabam you need to investigate and fix this issue uncollected should not be easier than a map 3 boss on any day of the week
I don't see how you could steal a debuff on yourself, but if you did use Loki on a boss fight, you're better off keeping them cursed with s3 and heavy attacks. Then the buffs just come right to you and you can still use your s2 for big dmg once your HP is higher than his.