War AI

BirdReynoldsBirdReynolds Member Posts: 527 ★★★
You all need to take a serious look at how your AI behaves in war. There’s so many weird bugs that go on to the disadvantage of players. I just fought 6* Cable on unblockable 1 mini and had a bunch of different things go wrong.
-GR caused bleed from a 4 hit combo ending in a medium. Nooope. Thanks for the BS degen.
-For about 10 seconds all of my attacks missed him for absolutely no reason, like he was The Hood with invisibility.
-After his invisibility trick, he would disappear from the screen then reappear already attacking me. So that’s cool and totally fair.
I’ve already previously submitted several support tickets for issues with the AI in war and gotten all cookie cutter responses.
I’ve also submitted support tickets on Cable in general because of all the bugs I’ve come across fighting him in different modes.
And before you ask, no, I don’t have screenshots or videos of it because I don’t go into every fight assuming something will go wrong and I’ll need to document it. But at this point I probably should. It shouldn’t be on us to provide proof of these problems for you to investigate and fix them, but war being your major cash cow right now I doubt you care to fix problems that force players into item use. Jaded, I know, but after all the problems we’ve had to deal with, what else are we supposed to think?
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