Constant Connection Issues

Smitty138Smitty138 Member Posts: 104
edited July 2018 in Bugs and Known Issues
July 20
Yes, plagued with connectivity issues. Insane loading times. Buttons unresponsive. Other apps freezing. Reduced battery life. I might be forgetting some. Oh yeah, got the hot heat too.

This post was recently deleted, but I am having these same issues... I can barely log in to the game and if I do get in it constantly pops up connection messages sometimes resulting in getting kicked... Can we get a response on this?? @Kabam Miike


  • Smitty138Smitty138 Member Posts: 104
    I'm on an Android, so these issues aren't just isolated to iPhones...
  • UltimateDamnationUltimateDamnation Member Posts: 57
    I feel yah Smitty. All of us Android users feel yah. But, Kabam doesn't like us Android users. :(
  • SolvseusSolvseus Member Posts: 132 ★★
    I was going to play for awhile tonight while I’m on call, just sitting here waiting for no one, but now I kinda don’t want to. Don’t trust it.
  • BmanBman Member Posts: 315 ★★
    I feel u guys. This is by FAAAAR the most unstable (last 2 months) that the game has ever been. It’s been nothing but DOWNHILL THIS ENTIRE YEAR!!! Problem after problem. Yet almost no compensation. What little has been given?? Beyond ridiculously short of what they should. It’s all digital goods that cost them nothing, yet they act like it’s made out of Platinum!!! No excuse! That’s why soooo many have quit lately, and I’m up soon
  • Jlemos818Jlemos818 Member Posts: 83
    Leave a 1 star review in google play that's what i did. Until the game gets better then only will i improve it.
  • StrStr Member Posts: 547 ★★
    Similar issues. Lag isnt as bad as previous update for me, but i have had those issues to a greater or lesser extent.
  • Ravenrob_33Ravenrob_33 Member Posts: 120
    I know the crashing is getting stupid now it crashed over 20 times in 4 hours which makes grinding almost impossible at the moment have put in multiple tickets to kabam but the biggest problem seems to be the monthly quest which crashes the game almost every time you play it at the moment
  • Darkstar4387Darkstar4387 Member Posts: 2,145 ★★★
    Been having sporadic connection issues and disconnections for the past few days, just got disconnected from the server trying move in war.

    Not sure why this keeps happening and why it only happens with this game, honestly they really need new servers and need to better optimize the game from Android users because it can be pretty bad not mention the long load times we have to deal with as well.
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