Is this possible? (AW)

So I just witnessed an extraordinary feat in AW. Someone managed to solo our double linked duped r4 5* Magik (boss) with MD using only a Wolverine

Here are his champs:

Here is his Wolverine:

Some back story:
A few hours ago, I had checked our AWD and saw this guy with a barely alive Wolverine in front of node #42. Just before the war ends, I check back to see how it's going only to see the same dude take down both the miniboss and boss (and funnily enough, he once again has a barely alive Wolverine at the same health as before)
My question is: Is it possible that within a short span of a few hours, the guy who manages to K.O. 2 of his champs and almost kill his third in the central path improve his skills so much so that he can solo a doubly linked boss and a miniboss without any kills?
Another thing to note is that the Magik is debuff immune, so Wolverine's bleeds won't work and we all know his damage without the bleeds is not great. Also, the frequently activating regen of Wolverine should trigger MD quite often and we all know how much of a nightmare Magik can be with MD. But, despite all these difficulties, this guy manages to kill Magik within 3 minutes only using Wolverine
If this is indeed possible, I want to ask you guys how to do it, since I really want to do the same thing for our AW offence as well. AWs would be much easier if I know this trick to one shot Magik using a champ which has no form of power control and triggers MD frequently

Here are his champs:

Here is his Wolverine:

Some back story:
A few hours ago, I had checked our AWD and saw this guy with a barely alive Wolverine in front of node #42. Just before the war ends, I check back to see how it's going only to see the same dude take down both the miniboss and boss (and funnily enough, he once again has a barely alive Wolverine at the same health as before)
My question is: Is it possible that within a short span of a few hours, the guy who manages to K.O. 2 of his champs and almost kill his third in the central path improve his skills so much so that he can solo a doubly linked boss and a miniboss without any kills?
Another thing to note is that the Magik is debuff immune, so Wolverine's bleeds won't work and we all know his damage without the bleeds is not great. Also, the frequently activating regen of Wolverine should trigger MD quite often and we all know how much of a nightmare Magik can be with MD. But, despite all these difficulties, this guy manages to kill Magik within 3 minutes only using Wolverine
If this is indeed possible, I want to ask you guys how to do it, since I really want to do the same thing for our AW offence as well. AWs would be much easier if I know this trick to one shot Magik using a champ which has no form of power control and triggers MD frequently
Already sent a request. Let's see if he responds
(Though I don't think I'll be able to communicate with him since he's Russian)
The nodes in my tier at least (tier 10)
Give +1600% health
His magik has 22,500 health
So total health of the boss is 22500 + 1600% of 22500 = ~ 380,000
This means he needs to do 126,000 damage per minute and 2100 per second
My wolverine rank 5 does a full combo in 2 seconds.
So that means each combo needs to do 4200 damage even if it was constant damage and magik was just stood there taking it. Adding in time for evading magik and trying to hit her, it's just not possible.
wolvie could stay alive over the limbo damage if he was lucky from the regens so that doesn't rule it out. It's a matter of damage, that magik will have a hell of a lot of health
Maybe it's trump's mcoc account lol
Just take the L y'all already list the war
Dude... Magik has no defense kills... it was just one round with Wolvie, no other champs.
And the left miniboss is up, so no resonate.
So if, IF, he managed to not die to Limbo and MD it is possible.
But extremely unlikely.
Plus she was on a no debuff no bleeds