Heating issue part-time fixed / power drain still a thing

Extraordinary Greetings my fellow Summoners,
As many of you I suffered from the iOS-heating issue. I installed the Update as soon as it was available (btw. the information screen did not show a sign, that the heating issue was addressed).
For me and my device
iPhone SE,
64 GB,
iOS 11.4.1
tried WiFi as well as Cellular (difference is maybe 2 % in drain WiFi over Cellular)
it seems that – after re-installing my iPhone – the heating issue seemes kind of fixed. I write "kind of", because it does not become as hot as it did before. But there ist still a significant warmth that can be felt, if I play more that ten minutes. The "warmth" can be felt in the upper third of the iPhones back, somewhere underneath the camera section.
While "overheating" is now fixed to "heating" it seems to me, that "power drain" still is a thing. When I take my fully charged iPhone SE and play – let's say – ten to fifteen minutes of missions and then close the App, I can recognize some 20 % (sometimes 23 %) gone. This can absolutely be reproduced.
I made up my mind, whether I should write a ticket instead. But let's be honest: Everyone writing a ticket received the same c&p-answer lately.
Maybe there are other Summoners out there, that encounter the same problem as I do. Then we should take the chance and let Kabam know. If it is a real issue, they should be fixing it. If it is just me, the problem can be easily solved by quitting MCOC – when I have to decide "working smartphone" or "continue playing MCOC" I will rather take the first option.
Stay tuned everyone!
P.S.: Thread can be merged if helpfull.
As many of you I suffered from the iOS-heating issue. I installed the Update as soon as it was available (btw. the information screen did not show a sign, that the heating issue was addressed).
For me and my device
iPhone SE,
64 GB,
iOS 11.4.1
tried WiFi as well as Cellular (difference is maybe 2 % in drain WiFi over Cellular)
it seems that – after re-installing my iPhone – the heating issue seemes kind of fixed. I write "kind of", because it does not become as hot as it did before. But there ist still a significant warmth that can be felt, if I play more that ten minutes. The "warmth" can be felt in the upper third of the iPhones back, somewhere underneath the camera section.
While "overheating" is now fixed to "heating" it seems to me, that "power drain" still is a thing. When I take my fully charged iPhone SE and play – let's say – ten to fifteen minutes of missions and then close the App, I can recognize some 20 % (sometimes 23 %) gone. This can absolutely be reproduced.
I made up my mind, whether I should write a ticket instead. But let's be honest: Everyone writing a ticket received the same c&p-answer lately.
Maybe there are other Summoners out there, that encounter the same problem as I do. Then we should take the chance and let Kabam know. If it is a real issue, they should be fixing it. If it is just me, the problem can be easily solved by quitting MCOC – when I have to decide "working smartphone" or "continue playing MCOC" I will rather take the first option.
Stay tuned everyone!
P.S.: Thread can be merged if helpfull.
Just posted essentially the same thing on another thread. Having almost exactly the same effect
I hope that this is something that will continue to be investigated and not a fix that Kabam deems good enough.