Who to R4 - Who to wait on...

StfckrStfckr Member Posts: 36
I have 12 5*. None are R4, and I have 7 T2A. I'm uncollected but have yet to complete Act 5.3 or 5.4. Out of my 12 5*, there's 4 I think I should consider R4. All unduped...Archangel, Luke Cage, Hawkeye and Ultron. With only one or two I can rank shortly, who do I go with? FWIW, I'm 1 T4CC away from Luke and Ultron, 5 away from AA (have maxed duped 4*) and 4 away from HE. Any guidance is appreciated!


  • Nitro422Nitro422 Member Posts: 276
  • DRTODRTO Member Posts: 1,681 ★★★★★
    I'm hesistant to say AA considering he is unduped but he still will have some amazing damage output with his neurotoxins. But since you are 1 t4cc away from luke cage I think you should go with him if you like playing with him.
  • StfckrStfckr Member Posts: 36
    thanks. I'm also wondering if an R4 will make a big difference in clearing act 5 which would net an extra R4 rank up.
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