15.7M alliance needs 5800ish prestige North American Players, 5x5, Gold 1

RBAtm (Rebel BA Asylum) is looking for US/North America Time Zone based players with 5800ish prestige to replace 1 taking a break from the game. We need adult players with a sense of humor who communicate when life, work or family need to take priority. We don't like drama or egos. Our goal is to keep advancing and growing without being militant about it. We use Line to communicate. We're looking for players who can handle their own lane in war and working on completing Act 5.
AQ: 5x5; Starting prestige is a little over 6000.
SA: No min required but we are active rankers
WAR: we run war nonstop and finished both seasons Gold 1- top 300. Off season will be no potion wars.We usually get close to Plat3 but honestly we are probably most comfortable in gold 1
EVENTS: Completion is the only event we require/have a minimum. All other events like (item use and SA) we hit without issues. In events that reward an alpha cat, we'll push for it as a team. No grinding requirements but we have some real grinders too.
For more details or to see if we're a good fit, follow the link to chat with us:
Line ID: Zeylif228

AQ: 5x5; Starting prestige is a little over 6000.
SA: No min required but we are active rankers
WAR: we run war nonstop and finished both seasons Gold 1- top 300. Off season will be no potion wars.We usually get close to Plat3 but honestly we are probably most comfortable in gold 1
EVENTS: Completion is the only event we require/have a minimum. All other events like (item use and SA) we hit without issues. In events that reward an alpha cat, we'll push for it as a team. No grinding requirements but we have some real grinders too.
For more details or to see if we're a good fit, follow the link to chat with us:
Line ID: Zeylif228