Ghost Broken and/or Misleading Abilities

According to Ghost’s abilities, she is supposed to convert all damage-over-time debuffs to fury charges when phasing. This works on bleed and poison debuffs, iceman’s coldsnap, cable’s degeneration, kingpins Black iso, basically all DoT debuffs. Except, dormammu’s degeneration and void’s DoT debuffs. I don’t see a reason that they should not be converted as neither debuff is listed as being passive. Can a moderator explain this please?
For void, is simple. He doesn't cause any DoT debuff (apart from his degeneration on special 2). All other debuffs aren't DoT debuffs. Void ability allows him to inflict damage when enemy is under a debuff
Dormammu’s ability reads: “Dormammu uses his opponent’s powers as a link to reach deep within their soul. Each time a buff expires on his opponent, Dormammu has up to a 100% chance to Degenerate them for 130% of his attack, over 10 seconds. The chance of this ability triggering increases the longer it’s been since it was last triggered.”
Cable’s degen reads: “Heavy Attack – Techno Organic Strike
100% Chance to Degenerate Non-Robotic opponents for up to 400% of your Attack over 15 seconds.
Strength of Degenerate scales inverse of your Opponent’s current Power.”
Based on the abilities, the way they’re read at least, there shouldn’t be a difference between the two.
@Roboct1 please look at this picture of Dormmamus sig ability and read that word under soul leech very slowly it says P A S S I V E
Degen is a passive debuff though, it’s just never explained in game, like many other things.
Here is Angela, as comparison.
Well **** kabam should really be more specific about this stuff
Reading isn't the majority of the communities strong point. We would have a lot less to talk about it more people read correctly.
So, why is this degen different than cable’s degen? Back to my original point of Ghost’s ability saying “While Phasing, incoming attacks have a 100% chance to Miss and each Damage Over Time Debuff on Ghost converts to a Fury Passive...” it doesn’t specify active vs passive or say “except certain debuffs” or anything. Either she’s broken or her abilities are clearly misleading.
It clearly says "debuffs". There are no passive debuffs ...
The "possible" error here is on Cable's abilities, where it doesn't specify if it is a debuff or not. Whoever this can also be happening because his degen works differently from the others, even though it is a debuff