Trading or acquiring new champions in easier ways

I think trading champions will be very useful, because most players don't have the champions they want, but others have them. Trading will make it easier even though people are hard to bargain with these days. For example I want Gwenpool and nightcrawler and I see people with them all the time, in fact someone in my alliance got one, and I don't have one and I'm jealous. Another suggestion I have is champions that a player hasn't acquired yet should be more common in crystals. I always get the same champions no matter what crystal, it's annoying. I can never get the hero I want. My final suggestion and I really consider to be added into the game is every player in marvel contest of champions, should be able to pick 2 characters they want for free, 3 star with a 50% chance of 4 star. It would make the game a little more fun battling with the heroes we want. I really hope you take this suggestion into considerstion. Thank you for time.
Actually ignore this post don't want to get into that
Wonder what new request will be trending next giving out free 5* crystals when you reach LV 20 hahaha. (that was an actual request recently kidding).
So abused
So abused
So abused
So abused
Get the hint?
Noob scammer: Hi!I giv u 4* Joe Fixit if u giv me 4* SL( he/she doesn't know how SL works ofc)
Noob scammer: Haha u got tricked, get rekt m8(gives newbie 2* IP)
Noob scammer:Trades champions with his alternate account and got away with everything