Pym Disk Mission Bug

I stared a master disk mission and went through the first portal which brought me to the four start chest. Super stoked about it. But as I went through the second portal I had to step away from my phone for work. When I came back and pulled it up the mission says it had closed. Well that was funny to me since I know there is and hour time limit on the quests. Which is fine and dandy except that my mission closed about thirty minutes early and wouldn’t let me back in to finish the mission. Resulting in a complete loss of energy, disk, currency, and time. I have contacted support and they have closed my case three times without a solution or any form of reimbursement. I have contacted the game team and not gotten a response Please someone help me get the attention of whoever I need because I lost a ton of limited time currency that is difficult to get because the game bugged out and kabam refuses to give me the chance to get back in and complete the mission which I was wrongly robbed of.

Tl;dr pym disk mission bugged and ended early. Kabam won’t reimburse me and blames me for the loss of disk.


  • CoachLedCoachLed Member Posts: 355 ★★
    Sounds like maybe you were gone longer than you thought? Regardless, I don’t think you’ll see a resolution. It’s one of those “he said” situations. They can’t exactly just take your word for it. Too many people would exploit that.
  • AmmitthegreatAmmitthegreat Member Posts: 2
    Yeah I get that but if they can show me fact that it was open and hour that would be cool. But they haven’t. Just the expiration. And unfortunately I didn’t screen shot anything because you know there wasn’t anything to screenshot. They can also see I didn’t receive any rewards so what’s the exploit? A redo? Not even extra loot?
  • CoachLedCoachLed Member Posts: 355 ★★
    Not sure, man. Sucks you lost out on that. Maybe they can do something for you.
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