AQ energy refill

Kabam. Why do you make aq harder to achieve by switching back 1hr refill for aq energy??? Can you plz permanently change aq enrgy refill into 30mins as you did last week? It will help many alliance to pursuit aq map 5 within less time consume. Please listen to us. Anyone has the same concern feel free to comment.
I'll never understand this. Shorter timers make all of us have less pressure to move because even if you have to wait a bit there will be plenty of time. We ran map 6 with 1/2 hour timers and it was a lot of fun. Due to time zones and work schedules map 6 is too much of a pain in the ass to be worth it for us with 1 hour timers.
There's a reason why the timers were set to 1 hour for energy, and 24 hours for the map to be completed.
Map 5 and especially Map 6 were not designed to be finished ASAP. They were designed for those looking for a bit of a challenge, and for those aiming for high rewards. If you don't have enough time to play a high map, settle for a lower one.
This is very true. I feel rewards should be given based on our skills and not based on how we manage time. Using time constraints like this neither proves the superiority of an ally, nor their skillset. So I hope Kabam considers this seriously and make the suggested changes soon.
I hate the 30 minute timers because I'm the only EU person in my bg and I do (almost) the same in tier 1 with 30 minute timers as with 1 hours. But when I wake up it's almost over already. With 1 hour timers I wake up and get to wrap up tier 2 and then do tier 3 together. 30 minute timers mean that, if I don't change alliance, I'll get about 4 fights in the as max.
I'm not talking about pressure from my alliance or anything, I'm talking about my own fun and my own feelings of not being able to contribute.
I have a full time and part time job and 2 kids and family. 1 hour timers still don't bother me and I am more active than much of my alliance. It's all about time management.
Reward the alliances who plan and work together not the alliances who don’t and can finish because you can move 48 times instead of 24 times.
Exactly. Finished 3.5 hours early with coordination and 1 hour timers.
Not that I’m taking sides but map 5 is not really a challenge to those that do it. Making it longer with 1 hour timers doesn’t make it any more challenging than 30 minute timers. Personally I don’t mind either way, but I can understand why 30 minute timers would make life much easier. It would help to release champs a lot sooner for other content. But sadly Kabam’s stance is AQ was built for 1 hour timers. In my opinion I think they just want to keep 30 minute timers as a get out of jail free card to help as compensation when the servers go down.
That’s a good point at the end. It is compensation so that the guys who complain about more comp can stay quiet when they are awarded a few extra gold and map 5 crystals AND 30 minute timers.
I don’t care either way but prefer to not skew the scores with those alliances who complete maps because they’re given 30 min timers.
1. Increase energy from 5-8.
2. 30 minute timer or none
3. Sleep button