Fix the death squads already

BirdReynoldsBirdReynolds Member Posts: 527 ★★★
Come on @Kabam Miike and everyone else. How many people have to complain about death squads in arenas well after the streak is up just because we used 3/30 or 1/25 champs? We always used to be able to. Just fix it back already. Rework your algorithms and at least give us that back, for all the pain and suffering we’ve gone through the past few months.


  • BirdReynoldsBirdReynolds Member Posts: 527 ★★★
  • Rich_RyderRich_Ryder Member Posts: 238
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  • Maat1985Maat1985 Member Posts: 2,412 ★★★★
    You got the two wins...... kept your streak alive.....
    And thise two wins give you same same kinda points as if you won all 3 against a normal team..... no need to complain when you still win....
    just next time dont use your 5* against one you are likely to lose..... u should have used your 5* against blade....
  • Maat1985Maat1985 Member Posts: 2,412 ★★★★
    edited July 2018
    I disagree @Maat1985. Yes I won the two fights, but there’s no reason I should have to fight surprise death squads for using a team I’d been able to use in the past with no issues. It limits the amount of points we can put up in arenas, and those of us that don’t dump money into refreshing champs need everyone at our disposal. There’s been no communication from Kabam (shocking!) about this, as far as I know. No heads up that the algorithms were going to change. As far as using the 5* in the **** fight, I wasn’t even thinking, I was just irritated.

    I doubt very much it is the algorithims that changed....
    The algorithms are set....
    The same thing happened when 5* were first allowed in arena.....
    What you can and cant use is based on what players are briniging into the arena.....

    At the top end you now have 5/65 whereas before it was only 4/55.
    The more and more prevelant that 5/65 become used in the arena this also brings up the minimum required. So as 3/30 was safe before now it is questionable.....
    Simple maths. As the top goes up so does the bottom keeping the range the same width as it was before.
    As 5/65 become used more and more then 3/30 will trigger death squad more and more.
  • Maat1985Maat1985 Member Posts: 2,412 ★★★★
    Also it doesnt limit the amount of points you can score when you still win 2 of the 3..... as i said the points you got from those 2 matches is much much higher than a normal fight would give you...
  • edited July 2018
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  • Pace_noob006Pace_noob006 Member Posts: 20
    If u can’t use ur puss champs anymore....
    it’s cause peeps are R’ing up more champs to higher Rank than before.
    It’s part of a growing game , either move with it or leave game.

    You honestly couldn’t have expected to use ur puss groots (@ that rank) for the rest of ur mcoc life ?!? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  • BeatleraoBeatlerao Member Posts: 153
    All you have to do is use is at least two rank two five stars or rank four four stars and one rank one five star or rank three four star mixed and you will avoid this, plus you still get to use a number of your lower rank guys to extend arena. I haven't noticed a significant drop in my point totals since I implemented this and I never get a death squad. The algorithm just changed, need to keep pace. Kabam has never stated that this is how you get an infinite streak, that's a community thing players have figured out. Therefore there's no way or need for them to fix it. The community just has to help each other keep up with the changes. And above is a suggestion as to how. Two good champs and one mediocre will get you what you want.
  • The1_NuclearOnionThe1_NuclearOnion Member Posts: 908 ★★★
    I accepted "uncollected arena matches" a long time ago. You won. Take the win.
  • PFunkPFunk Member Posts: 111
    edited July 2018
    This algorithm explanation is complete bs! Here’s the reason why it’s bs. I just was working on the t4b arena and went in with a team with an overall rating of 10,400 and did not get a death squad. 5 minutes later I went in with a team w/ an overall rating of 11,100 and get a death squad. There is no rhyme or reason these death squads are appearing. So stop telling people it’s because stronger champs are coming in. This is simply not true. They are appearing randomly and it’s not related to your teams total rating. It seems to be linked to specific champs, or synergies, but I’m still testing to confirm this. Kabam has tons of issues(like random death squads) that they can’t address Bc the games got more bugs than they can handle atm.
  • AddyosAddyos Member Posts: 1,098 ★★★★
    PFunk wrote: »
    This algorithm explanation is complete bs! Here’s the reason why it’s bs. I just was working on the t4b arena and went in with a team with an overall rating of 10,400 and did not get a death squad. 5 minutes later I went in with a team w/ an overall rating of 11,100 and get a death squad. There is no rhyme or reason these death squads are appearing. So stop telling people it’s because stronger champs are coming in. This is simply not true. They are appearing randomly and it’s not related to your teams total rating. It seems to be linked to specific champs, or synergies, but I’m still testing to confirm this. Kabam has tons of issues(like random death squads) that they can’t address Bc the games got more bugs than they can handle atm.

    The reason is by combining 3 low PI champs, even if they have good synergies and have an overall rating of around 10-11k, death matches will trigger now. Avoid doing this by mixing a r4/40 4* or r2/35 5* with your r3/30 4*s or r1/25 5*s.

    Triggering the death matches more often is highly inconvenient, but everyone's has to adapt accordingly now.
  • PFunkPFunk Member Posts: 111
    Once again, this logic is still flawed. If a team with a rating of 10,400 doesn’t trigger a DS, then a team with a rating of 11,100 shouldn’t trigger a DS. This shows that it’s just random, and there’s something that we aren’t seeing that is causing this, most likely a bug with certain champs.

  • mjolnir2507mjolnir2507 Member Posts: 43
    I don’t use 3/30 champs that late in the streak, hence no death squads
  • djr17djr17 Member Posts: 720 ★★★
    If it were truly random, a 16k pi team should get a deathmatch on occasion under the same circumstances as the 11,100 team.
  • PFunkPFunk Member Posts: 111
    That’s cool. I don’t anymore, but if that’s gonna be the case going forward then I want all those t1a’s I wasted on 3/30 all my 4*’s. If kabam’s gonna make them worthless then we have all just wasted a ton of resources. So my proposed solution is to have a way of notifying the player in arena of the current cutoff, or give us all those t1a’s back. I’m sure Kabam didn’t have the foresight to see this kind of a change coming when they allowed 5/65’s, therefore they need to put some type of a patch in to resolve the headaches. This is just another way the player base is feeling screwed over, and with more players leaving the game than ever Kabam doesn’t need this atm...
  • PFunkPFunk Member Posts: 111
    djr17 wrote: »
    If it were truly random, a 16k pi team should get a deathmatch on occasion under the same circumstances as the 11,100 team.

    That’s why I think it’s linked to certain champs, or certain synergy teams. But like I said originally, I’m still testing this theory out.

  • BirdReynoldsBirdReynolds Member Posts: 527 ★★★
    Y’all talking about how to avoid and to suck it up and accept the change. I get how to beat it. I’m saying we shouldn’t have to. I don’t get why so many of you are just willing to accept it as the new normal and insist that everyone else does as well. If it’s because people got their second and now third r5 5*, that’s garbage. Why should a small percentage of players at the top ranking champs up affect the threshold for everyone else? I don’t accept it. I don’t want to use catalysts and gold on a 5* Groot just to be able to use him again. And for those of you criticizing my choice in teams, it’s not my fault RNG gave me those champs. But I have them so might as well try using them. Seriously so much negativity, this is why they can shaft us, the community is so disjointed and negative towards one another.
  • LysiszeroLysiszero Member Posts: 296
    You risk a dearh squad if you run 3 r1 5* or 3 r3 4*. With r5 5* now available in game (has been like this a few months) you can no longer go by the infobot guide. You can up to winstreak 15 but after that you need to use 5/50 Or better till streak 21. After streak 21 you can use 1 4/40 4* with 2 3/30 4*, or 2 r1 5* with 1 r2 5*. I have yet to face a deathsquad using that formula. Those are just the lowest you can use.
  • Maat1985Maat1985 Member Posts: 2,412 ★★★★
    Whinge whinge whinge..... cry cry cry.....

    Dude its not that big of a deal. It is easy to work with.....
    You can use all of the se champs as before.... just change the way you put your teams together.....
    Instead of putting all your 4/40, 5/50 together mix ur teams and run a 3/30 in there too....
    Its is sooooo easy to work with.... there are big actual issues with the game that should agitiate you. Not something that you can easily work with....

    And as far as for sometimes the team working and sometimes it not workingnis quite very simple...
    As a team of all 3/30 is right on the cusp there is a chance it may trigger a death squad whereas before it never would. So that means sometimes it will work and sometimes it wont. So either keep using teams of only low champs and accept that you may get ambushed by a death squad or mix up your teams a little and play it safe with teams mixing higher and lower ranks....
    Personally i just accept the death squads....
    As said also 2 wins against death squad is same points as 3 wins against non death squad.....
  • Maat1985Maat1985 Member Posts: 2,412 ★★★★
    Seriously so much negativity,

    This one sentence makes me laugh soooo hard......
    Definition of hypocricy right here.....
    You start a thread complaining and being negative and then call others out on negativity......
    The people theat are not complaining and saying deal with it are the ones that are not being negative....

  • mjolnir2507mjolnir2507 Member Posts: 43
    I just quit using them after I get to the 3x point which is like fight 4 or something
  • ezmoneyezmoney Member Posts: 208
    Come on @Kabam Miike and everyone else. How many people have to complain about death squads in arenas well after the streak is up just because we used 3/30 or 1/25 champs? We always used to be able to. Just fix it back already. Rework your algorithms and at least give us that back, for all the pain and suffering we’ve gone through the past few months.
    rank up your champs

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  • djr17djr17 Member Posts: 720 ★★★
    When did you use that team? Was it fight 17, or was it 37?
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  • mjolnir2507mjolnir2507 Member Posts: 43
    Can’t believe this thread is still going. Newsflash kabam does not care and they are not gonna fix whatever needs to be fixed. We should all know this by now. They fix what is needed if it is gonna cost them revenue. Plain and simple.
  • RogueKing13RogueKing13 Member Posts: 188
    I got one at streak 94 in the Gold Pool arena. Any arena where 5* are allowed has this potential. As more people get their first R5/65 this is going to happen more often. I would adapt and move more champs to 4/40 or 2/35 if I were you.
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