Fix the death squads already

Come on @Kabam Miike and everyone else. How many people have to complain about death squads in arenas well after the streak is up just because we used 3/30 or 1/25 champs? We always used to be able to. Just fix it back already. Rework your algorithms and at least give us that back, for all the pain and suffering we’ve gone through the past few months.
And thise two wins give you same same kinda points as if you won all 3 against a normal team..... no need to complain when you still win....
just next time dont use your 5* against one you are likely to lose..... u should have used your 5* against blade....
I doubt very much it is the algorithims that changed....
The algorithms are set....
The same thing happened when 5* were first allowed in arena.....
What you can and cant use is based on what players are briniging into the arena.....
At the top end you now have 5/65 whereas before it was only 4/55.
The more and more prevelant that 5/65 become used in the arena this also brings up the minimum required. So as 3/30 was safe before now it is questionable.....
Simple maths. As the top goes up so does the bottom keeping the range the same width as it was before.
As 5/65 become used more and more then 3/30 will trigger death squad more and more.
it’s cause peeps are R’ing up more champs to higher Rank than before.
It’s part of a growing game , either move with it or leave game.
You honestly couldn’t have expected to use ur puss groots (@ that rank) for the rest of ur mcoc life ?!? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
The reason is by combining 3 low PI champs, even if they have good synergies and have an overall rating of around 10-11k, death matches will trigger now. Avoid doing this by mixing a r4/40 4* or r2/35 5* with your r3/30 4*s or r1/25 5*s.
Triggering the death matches more often is highly inconvenient, but everyone's has to adapt accordingly now.
That’s why I think it’s linked to certain champs, or certain synergy teams. But like I said originally, I’m still testing this theory out.
Dude its not that big of a deal. It is easy to work with.....
You can use all of the se champs as before.... just change the way you put your teams together.....
Instead of putting all your 4/40, 5/50 together mix ur teams and run a 3/30 in there too....
Its is sooooo easy to work with.... there are big actual issues with the game that should agitiate you. Not something that you can easily work with....
And as far as for sometimes the team working and sometimes it not workingnis quite very simple...
As a team of all 3/30 is right on the cusp there is a chance it may trigger a death squad whereas before it never would. So that means sometimes it will work and sometimes it wont. So either keep using teams of only low champs and accept that you may get ambushed by a death squad or mix up your teams a little and play it safe with teams mixing higher and lower ranks....
Personally i just accept the death squads....
As said also 2 wins against death squad is same points as 3 wins against non death squad.....
This one sentence makes me laugh soooo hard......
Definition of hypocricy right here.....
You start a thread complaining and being negative and then call others out on negativity......
The people theat are not complaining and saying deal with it are the ones that are not being negative....