I have him r4. Still will occasionally shut someone down on war defense. In questing he hits crazy hard, especially when duped. And his assisted evasion when you're in swashbuckling mode makes it a lot easier to dodge tricky specials like spiderman.
Could we get a little more information from you about this issue?
Does this happen on Wifi or Cellular data or both? Is it like this all the time or does it sometimes go back to being correct text? What game version are you using?
Also, if you haven't already, you may try uninstalling and reinstalling to see if that helps. Thanks!
Could we get a little more information from you about this issue?
Does this happen on Wifi or Cellular data or both? Is it like this all the time or does it sometimes go back to being correct text? What game version are you using?
Also, if you haven't already, you may try uninstalling and reinstalling to see if that helps. Thanks!
Happens; on both WiFi and cellular, ... when it does, I close the game entirely and restart it... sometimes it fixes the issue, but other times it doesn’t..
I’m on version 854762
Once nc is awakened keep him off defence. Use as an attacker in a quest or something instead. He has huge damage output. Learn to switch stance based on opponent power lvl
Could we get a little more information from you about this issue?
Does this happen on Wifi or Cellular data or both? Is it like this all the time or does it sometimes go back to being correct text? What game version are you using?
Also, if you haven't already, you may try uninstalling and reinstalling to see if that helps. Thanks!
Soln- close the game, clear the cache from game data and reopen.
Happens; on both WiFi and cellular, ... when it does, I close the game entirely and restart it... sometimes it fixes the issue, but other times it doesn’t..
I’m on version 854762