Buffing Old Champs

Which of the old champs do you think deserve a buff?
My top 5 are:
1) Iron Man/Superior Iron Man
2) Carnage
3) Colossus
4) Venom
5) Both Cyclops
My top 5 are:
1) Iron Man/Superior Iron Man
2) Carnage
3) Colossus
4) Venom
5) Both Cyclops
Bleed immunity +blade counter 😎😎😎
My money is on Kabam adding synergies to new champs that adds functionality to old champs. It’s easier to implement, and it’s more cost-effective. Plus, it makes the player base want that new champ even more.
I keep seeing Korg coming up as a future champ. Imagine a “Solid as a Rock” synergy with Colossus or UC that gave Colossus a permanent passive armor up, a chance to reflect damage on a parry based on armor, increased special damage based on armor, and a fury mechanic with every armor up he gained on his own. Colossus is suddenly pretty sweet.
For any must-own champ, cool synergies can add a new level of use to an existing champ. This makes that former dud champ worth spending resources on, which makes the company money without having to rush out new champs. It can offer a way to counter certain nodes or abilities, too. Struggling with node 30? Well, new champ x has a synergy with old champ y that counters some of those effects. Not only is champ x in high demand, dud champ y is suddenly a hot commodity.