Permanent AQ 30 Minute Timers

Ok guys given the state of the game I think it’s past time we seriously consider permanent 30 minute timers. Please make this happen Kabam!!
It would be a goodwill gesture that I’m sure the community would all appreciate. Managing Map 5 x 5 with an international alliance in different timezones is a strain especially when there are still a few performance issues in the game.
The recent iOS update has improved things for some but not others mainly android users. Cheers
It would be a goodwill gesture that I’m sure the community would all appreciate. Managing Map 5 x 5 with an international alliance in different timezones is a strain especially when there are still a few performance issues in the game.
The recent iOS update has improved things for some but not others mainly android users. Cheers
Can’t believe frankly there’d be opposition to this! How much more convenient was it last week with 30 min timers compared to this week...
Lol, congratulations. We don't all have an alliance full of people that can do that.
Can they beat the content? Yes.
Can they plan their lives/jobs around a game? No.
Saying that you can do it so everyone else should be able to is a really lazy and not 'constructive' argument.
What exactly is the downside to you of 30 minute timers?
Again, no need for you = no need for anyone?
Better organization does not help you quit real life responsibilities and play a game more.
Having to spend less time in said game to do the exact same thing does.
I'm in a highly competent alliance that still sometimes struggles to get done before time runs out because things outside the game happen and kabam insists on keeping EVERY PLAYER on the game for every possible waking hour to boost their numbers when they talk to shareholders or whomever...that's the only justification on why scheduling should even be an issue in events like this.
This game is supposed to be a pastime you can enjoy and they are stacking the deck against any player that just wants to be casual as a player. Advancement is practically a joke unless you are in an alliance, period. Yes, you can finish all the questing and do rol, lol and get a r5 5☆, but they make it such a PITA to do unless you are really lucky and very good at playing. The advancement in characters and ranking aren't sustainable in a reasonable amount of time to get that far unless you're supplimented by the alliance rewards. This whole game is designed to suck the player in and squeeze out all the time they can to keep them online.
I think part of the mentality of those against things like 30 minute timers is, "I gave up my life to get here, so you should too" to justify that sunken investment in the game or they would reflect and realize they wasted a LOT of their time on this game for rather pitiful rewards (kabam is super stingy on rewards, even after buffing the arena rewards).
Give us 30 minute timers and let people enjoy some free time instead of always being beholden to this game's schedule. Just let us keep getting 3 tier 4 basics from the arena, like we can now with the alphas (you still only get 4 t4bs per week at best with arena and AQ rewards, short of buying the rest). Stop choking the fun out of the game and turning it into a second job and loosen the purse strings a bit on rank up materials to really let people experiment on different champs other than: blade, archangel, medusa, etc. or you can't compete, and you have nothing else to work with. In general, I think if you doubled most of the rewards you can get from events and aq/war and monthly questing you would have a much happier player base, but Kabam's avarice is killing this game slowly and people will continue to give up and move on to something else. I see so many people leaving the game that were long time players simply because of the kind of bs mentioned above (ignoring performance issues, that's also a huge part of it).
...end of rant
You brought up great points, but let's just stick to the 30 minute timer issue.
I see people complain about this all the time but no sticky? I had to search for this and choose between a bunch of threads to post in.
This guy gets it.
...seriously? Lol. I got flagged for a cogent opinion on the matter?
They haven't put any barrier. If anyone thinks logically, you know that the game will want to reward more the players who spend more time in their game. If you don't spend a lot of time in their game you won't get rewarded as much as others. What constantly happens is Kabam decides to be nice about something that happened or make the game easier in some way and people still find other things to be greedy about another topic. I say get with the program and stop complaining.
It is competitive. The top 1000 alliances do compete for those rewards. As being a part of one and having been a part of a few, I'd know. And all you and other people are doing is be greedy. This game is time consuming so you don't become a Whale in 2 months. But for it to take years. Think logically. If Kabam takes energy entirely I would have explored Act 4 completely in 2 days, not the 6 months it took me. The point of the game is to keep on playing. Not finish everything and get bored of the game.
You're talking as if they don't show appreciation at all. As if they don't do anything when they do and a LOT of it. There is so much this game does for us but instead of learning to appreciate it you look for other things to be greedy about. And yes asking for 30 min timers is being greedy. And about season 3 of AW. This game isn't made for the people with 0 times on their hands. This GAME was made for GAMERS. Understand the concept. lol
Drop it. It’s bad for the game.
This sounds kind of creepy cultish.
"Asking for 30 minute timers is greedy" was the extent of your contribution to the topic.
Then? Clown shows.
Lol mate I don’t know where you’re coming from. Seriously it’s not greedy we can agree to disagree. You obviously aren’t an officer or leader. Kabam never gives out anything for free it’s only when there’s a problem. So you’re saying gamers can’t be parents with responsibilities, hobbies, interests, full time jobs and a life outside of the game? Perhaps that’s a concept you need to embrace
What’s your argument as to why it’s bad?
The game right now seems to be catering to the whales, more than the average gamer, and when they get bored and start flinging cash at other games there will be a vacuum created when they leave because kabam didn't foster the development of their replacements sufficiently and they also moved on. The whales with the cash will always be at the top. Kabam could maximize their revenue potential by appealing to the largest player base (even free to play players as they might be enticed to spend in the future), and they appear to be focused too much on the people spending insane amounts of money instead. That will hurt the game in the long run when focusing so heavily on the short term benefits.
There are about 130 heroes in the game and the greater majority of the player base will never rank up even a quarter of those champs to max for 4☆s, and even less for higher tiers. It's stifling players' ability to experiment and try more maxed "meme" or "trash" characters which could add to the enjoyment of the game by adding more variety to gameplay. Instead all development is funneled into the same few characters, as long as players have them.
Continuing to ask for things once things have been given to someone is called being greedy. Learn the definition before you try to argue about it haha...And Kabam does give things for free, a lot of it. Just people like you choose to not acknowledge it. And I understand that completely, just if you don't spend the same amount of time in this game as others who spend hours and hours on it, don't expect to get the same rewards, that's not how games work. Any who, if my alliance can finish AQ every day with 6-7 hours left during weekends being international, you can too.
Can you finish LoL easily? You can too.
Are we still talking about AQ?
If not, get out.
Go start your own thread about how much you play.
"The game right now seems to be catering to the whales, more than the average gamer" I swear I'd love to see where you get your "info" from. Because you're funny bro.
There isn't a good argument for why it's bad. I'm keeping this thread alive until it's stickied and/or there is a good counter argument.
All I've seen so far is "We did it".
Good job.
Check my previous posts about 30 minute timers. I don’t want to type it again lol
You out here speaking facts.
Why an option?
Is there some super secret way, that I'm not seeing, that makes 30 minute timers somehow detrimental?
I'm just absolutely baffled by the arguments I've seen against it.