Please replace "Strongest Team" with Prestige

In the lower right hand corner there is a way to compare your strongest team and other members of your alliance or friends. I don't think this has any value. Maybe I just don't understand how you would use it or what benefit it gives.
I think replacing this with your prestige would be immediately more valuable to anyone who plays Alliance Quest.
I think replacing this with your prestige would be immediately more valuable to anyone who plays Alliance Quest.
The fact that the most important stat in the game is inaccessible without a 3rd party mechanic is asinine.
That's actually not true. You can see it ingame, but you have to remove your masteries. Although then you still might need a calculator, which is also a third party app. So you might be right after all.
I hate the fact that this is the case btw. Either switching of masteries (and switching on) should be free or they need to show the prestige stat somewhere. Even if they show it on the champs themselves would be improved (because then too, a calculator or basic math skills get you to the right number)