Suggestion for new alliance game mode

NEONEO Member Posts: 347
I don't know if anyone has ever suggested something similar or not. I'm sure there will be critics, which is OK. Well here it is: Alliance Ladders running concurrent with alliance wars. The idea is something we can do to earn rewards and kill time while AW timer recharges. We would use our 3 attackers from AW in ladders, in ladders we would fight the alliance all the way up from their lowest member all the way up until their highest PI member. Each opponent we would fight in Ladders would be that members top rated champ. It would make for many different fighting scenarios with each opponent with their varying mastery levels and signature ability levels. Which ever team that had the most kills going up the ladder would be rewarded Glory or something, also could be individual glory rewards for top placing members on each team. Feel free to add on or make other suggestions or improvements.


  • NEONEO Member Posts: 347
  • HoidCosmereHoidCosmere Member Posts: 550 ★★
    I think if we are looking for new alliance content, bases would be the first addition. Not sure what the original intention of them was, but I'm sure many of us have some good ideas for how they should work.

    Your idea sounds like a fun one though, how would it work? Do you face the 3 attackers from the other team in an arena type format?

    Another idea is alliance arenas. Add an additional basic 4 star arena that awards the champ to the top 100 scoring alliances in the event. All stars can enter and all the alliance members scores in the event are added up. If you make the top 100 alliances, everyone in the Alliance gets the champ. But you have to use Alliance treasury funds to enter and for each match.

    Non-alliance related content could be an arena that uses your whole roster. Make it a single day event, maybe the Sunday arena. You fight single matches, any star level, but each champ can be only used once in the event. So if you have 150 champs in your roster, the most you can do is 150 matches. Milestone and rank rewards. This would be a good event for people who like to collect champs and use them, not just have a strong team to clear content.

    Boss-Killer challenge: Have a master level or higher boss to fight for gold. Take 5 champs to the fight, more gold is rewarded the fewer champs you lose trying to fight him. 500,000 Gold for one shot, 400,000 if you lose one and your 2nd champ kills him, etc. until 100,000 if you can get him with the fifth champ. Can do it max once per day.

    Additions to current content: Shuffling the war node packages. Each war cycle brings a new arrangement of abilities on nodes. So the same nodes don't have the same buffs on them every war. Make packages that favor champs that aren't often seen as war defenders, so each new war brings a new challenge.

    Allow the Alliance quests to run 3 different maps for diverse teams. So group 1 could be running map 2, group 2 runs map 3 and group 3 runs map 6. For example.

    Eliminate the need to 100% heroic and do master for a units charge. Figure however many energy recharges you would need to run it and the unit cost and charge that amount to skip it altogether. Not everyone (android) has a desire to attempt a legends run.

    Just some thoughts that can add content and excitement to players that are not only end game players.
  • NEONEO Member Posts: 347
    You move up in a ladder format. Your 3 attackers would go against up to 30 opponents(assuming the opposing alliance had 30 members) if you could make it that far. Each ladder opponent would be each members highest PI or prestige champ.
  • NEONEO Member Posts: 347
    i think it would be a fresh addition.
  • NEONEO Member Posts: 347
    edited August 2017
    HoidCosmere. I like your ideas too.
  • HoidCosmereHoidCosmere Member Posts: 550 ★★
    Thank you
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