Alliance Event notification - when is it getting cleared?

Bottom right of the screen always has a "1" regardless of what I do. Shows up as a "Finished" Alliance Event. This has been up for days now.
Get rid of it. Please.
Get rid of it. Please.
I know this second one is from SA resetting while the Arena Quest Completion event is active and will clear in 2 days. This one has been in the game for several weeks now.
Again, please fix these. The inability/unwillingness to address even the most basic of issues is just one more thing contributing to the decaying trust from the player base.
As for the bottom right notification, I have one in the Ongoing tab and one in the Finished tab. Neither is clear about what needs to be cleared out. I don't have any current rewards to be claimed.
1) Fight Tab - Alliance Quest. This one remains up for the 5 days that AQ can be played. Once day 5 ends, the notification will disappear. This will be active whether your ally is engaged in the quest or not. If your ally starts a new AQ during this time, the notification will actually be a "2".
2) Event Tab - Alliance Events - Ongoing Events. SA will generate a notification and will not get the blue "new event" border until the Alliance Quest Completion event has finished. If SA resets during the AQ break (while notification #1 is inactive), this notification will clear right away. This has been an ongoing issue for weeks.
3) Event Tab - Alliance Events - Finished Events. This is the one discussed in the OP and at the above link. It started when the Peak Milestones were officially started. Not sure which event (if any) is generating it.