I need T3CC and T4BC/T4CC, what maps should I be doing?

My alliance does a lot of map 3 and 4 with a rare map 5 sometimes. All of the crystals I get from these maps are absolute garbage. Just a few hundred T4BC and T4CC shards. I have also heard that map 5 is easier than map 4, and that the lower map crystals have better drop rates, and also there's the matter of better glory rewards from higher maps.
So at the end of the day, what the hell maps do I need to be doing to get the catalysts I need?
So at the end of the day, what the hell maps do I need to be doing to get the catalysts I need?
Alternatively, you could spend all your glory on the 18k t4b shards/7200 or 3600 t4cc shard crystals. Best AQ crystals would be map2, 5 or 6.