Rank Up? Nebula, Drax, or Green Goblin

KonGud1981KonGud1981 Member Posts: 11
I have 3 potential 5*’s ready for rank up to Rank 3. Curious which one should I go for. Each has their pros and cons, so I myself am kind of torn.

Rank Up? Nebula, Drax, or Green Goblin 48 votes

buffajrNikoBravoAnurag1606Jdub1250Quatre_1988Buttehrs 6 votes
Alex_sc11SpeedbumpIsman1998DOKTOROKTOPUSSuper_Mitch_83ShaheerFIazArgygufdetlopDuke_SilverKrumbledkookieKabam PorkchopbinrakMitchell35ace930999V1PER1987AnthinhoRobbo29192XxOriginalxXIron_spider1DarkchildeOCorry 24 votes
Green Goblin
DarkZenFineDogHollowbornBapoiigotgame1075JohnyzeroKayne34_fr3do_Canariobrucef8bringerNamelezshadow_lurker22PedritkoTrill719Noob2435JayCeeFhfjghhggggjfhfjgKaboomMiikey 18 votes


  • XxOriginalxXXxOriginalxX Member Posts: 1,324 ★★★
    edited July 2018
    Double immune enough said really
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  • Isman1998Isman1998 Member Posts: 520 ★★★
    Nebula is really dope. I'd say rank up Green Goblin if you need him for AW defense.
  • Mitchell35Mitchell35 Member Posts: 1,897 ★★★★
    Nebula has the highest ceiling, gg is the best defender, but unfortunately drax has fallen out of the meta
  • Mitchell35Mitchell35 Member Posts: 1,897 ★★★★
    Lol all the void profiles that voted for gg can’t wait to shut down his healing in aw
  • binrakbinrak Member Posts: 193
    edited July 2018
    Rank up nebula double immunity and have regen.Stack that shock charges and use it with sp2 have fun.
  • BapoiBapoi Member Posts: 995 ★★★
    Green Goblin
    Given these two choices, I’d take GG over Nebula anytime.
  • Anurag1606Anurag1606 Member Posts: 1,189 ★★★
    I know drax got nerfed against mordo and all but frankly that was never an issue with fighting against mordo. Personally I would not use drax to fight mordo, there are other better options. And out of this list I rate Drax above the other 2. Drax is still pretty great damage dealer with great bleeds. With deep wounds he's pretty strong. Nebula although double immune is not a great character. She suffers A heavy block damage perhaps the highest that I have seen. Also to get maximum benefit you need to keep blocking to raise the shock charges and eat lot of block damage. Her regen also is not reliable. It's not like you get it when you need it. GG on the other hand is a better defender and a good attacker when duped. His special 2 is good damage. And he has lot of mixed utilities.
    My rating would be

    i even spend an awakening gem on her, pure love bro
  • shadow_lurker22shadow_lurker22 Member Posts: 3,245 ★★★★★
    Green Goblin
    They are all good options drax still has good damage output, gg is a decent defender, and nebula has some utility to her.
  • ArgygufdetlopArgygufdetlop Member Posts: 62
    I have 6* nebula, and pretty happy with her. Her immunities make her a great option for bleed / poison nodes, which become more common in higher level content. The bottom line is that she still has a role as an offensive option in the end game, at the highest level of this game, and the others don’t.

    GG is a decent alliance war defender, so he also has a role, but not as useful.

    Drax is not compete trash but has not kept up compared to other pure DPS or bleeder attackers and has zero utility on defense.

    Worth noting nebs is also the hardest of hard counters to robots like sentinel and ultron. She completely shuts down their abilities when used right. Like, you can fight sentinel normally and not worry about analysis charges.

    Note that the strategy of stacking shock charges and then popping them and using sa2 might not be viable for a long string of quest fights because of the block damage — but it IS viable as a devastating way to take down a much stronger opponent in a single fight. It is shockingly high damage when you pull it off and well worth the cost in health if you are not trying to clear a whole quest line. (So for example, I bring my 6* just for biohazard node in tier 1 war, and she kills it, even if she comes out of the fight at half health from
    taking so many blocks).
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