Unresponsive Screen

Every time you guys do an update, the length of my unresponsive screen increases. Now anytime I use an sp3, after the cutscene is over, my screen goes unresponsive for 10 seconds. And 10 seconds is more than enough to lose a match. I have lost infinite streaks over this inconvenience, and I’ve lost AW battles over it. My champion just stands there and lets the AI punch the **** out of them. Then - if I’m lucky enough to still have life - it will finally give me back control. It used to be just like 2 seconds. Then you guys posted that you were going to fix it, and instead it increased to like 6 seconds. But the overheating IOS took precedence. Now that that’s fixed, the time has been stretched to 10 seconds.
That’s too much. Even 2 seconds is too much when those 2 seconds result in a loss of control over the fight.
Fix this please!
I have too much time and investment in this game to just walk away....but at some point even that will cease to matter if I can’t play anyway.
That’s too much. Even 2 seconds is too much when those 2 seconds result in a loss of control over the fight.
Fix this please!
I have too much time and investment in this game to just walk away....but at some point even that will cease to matter if I can’t play anyway.
This discussion has been closed.
We're always trying to make improvements to how the game performs and we appreciate reports like this one as they allow us to identify specific areas that need looking into.
With that being said, to help us keep everyone's comments about performance issues more organized, we created two dedicated threads and a bug reporting template. Links to both discussions are provided below and the bug reporting template can be found on the first page of each one.
- Android user performance issues thread.
- iOS user performance issues thread.
Please take a moment to contribute to whichever thread is relevant to you by providing as much of the requested information as possible.
Thank you very much in advance for your help!