Is there any way you would be interested in a merger going the other way. We have a solid alliance also, hit Gold 1 past two seasons, and have done 5x5 for the vast majority of our alliances existence, recently dropped to 5,5,3,3,3 to preserve champs to focus on war while maintaining solid glory income.
Again, if you'd be willing to come the other way, we could make space for a decent amount of people as we have a lot of retirees since season 2 came to an end.
Vegeta9002 is my IGN, Vegeta9001 is my Line, incase you want to discuss.
Again, if you'd be willing to come the other way, we could make space for a decent amount of people as we have a lot of retirees since season 2 came to an end.
Vegeta9002 is my IGN, Vegeta9001 is my Line, incase you want to discuss.