looking for a fairly active alliance

one with a lot of members, often helps each other out and whatnot

free food would be nice, though not necessary


  • HoidCosmereHoidCosmere Member Posts: 550 ★★
    My alliance is very active, but small still. You are welcome to join if you are active and participate in quests and wars, which we run both constantly.
  • Zypherus14Zypherus14 Member Posts: 13
    The more you can tell us about yourself the more people will be interested in you. I run a group of three alliances (map 5, map 3/4, entry level) and I have no idea which you'd be suited for but all have openings. Message me and we'll talk
  • Jmc6161Jmc6161 Member Posts: 41
    Obviously a lot of alliances are looking for members. Talk to me and we can see if you like what we offer. And if you're in Ohio the free food will be a lot easier
  • nvrcmecomin1nvrcmecomin1 Member Posts: 160
    Need more info about you & what your looking?
  • R0ID_RAGER0ID_RAGE Member Posts: 37

    I searched for the OP in-game and took the liberty of taking a screenshot of his profile for whomever is wondering what his stats are or considering him for recruitment...
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