My alliance is very active, but small still. You are welcome to join if you are active and participate in quests and wars, which we run both constantly.
The more you can tell us about yourself the more people will be interested in you. I run a group of three alliances (map 5, map 3/4, entry level) and I have no idea which you'd be suited for but all have openings. Message me and we'll talk
Obviously a lot of alliances are looking for members. Talk to me and we can see if you like what we offer. And if you're in Ohio the free food will be a lot easier
I searched for the OP in-game and took the liberty of taking a screenshot of his profile for whomever is wondering what his stats are or considering him for recruitment...
I searched for the OP in-game and took the liberty of taking a screenshot of his profile for whomever is wondering what his stats are or considering him for recruitment...