Error for iphone IOS logging in

IOS iphone lphone 6 after updating to the latest ver of mcoc unable to log in.
It says “cannot connect to network, pls check ur connection and try again”. After using various wifi and data 4g it always displays the same error and csnt even Plsy the game at starting screen.
When i switch it on another android phone no problems. Any fixes?
Iphone 6, latest ver of mcoc
If you haven't already, try closing The Contest, then signing out of Game Center entirely. Once signed out of Game Center, try opening MCOC again.
If this doesn't help, then be sure to try uninstalling and reinstalling the game!
have tried restarting the app, restarting my phone. Uninstaling the app and reinstalling it. It is not a temporary issue. I am not able to go to the login page, it just displays this message after switching on wifi, data and switching data well. Please let me know if there is anything I can do. This is affecting my aq scores as well as arena. Please help asap.