Error in some parts of the game

Hello, I have some serious issues, when I try to get help request for my champions in arena, every time I have a delay between tapping about 6 seconds each. The same is when I press help in alliance section for other players champions arena. Another issue I have with the loading screen, is very long, between 5-9 seconds and is not from the internet connection I assure you. Another one is with Scarlet Witch, in 4 days since I play everywhere with her, she can't trigger her regeneration and fury. Or poison when she is attacked. And when she has her regeneration, is like 100 per second, she used to have 300 or 359 something like that when she attack an opponent. And I have very good mastery settings. I will post some screenshots with other 

issues in game. Thank you for reading me and please, I pray to do something about it. Happy 4th of July Team!

issues in game. Thank you for reading me and please, I pray to do something about it. Happy 4th of July Team!