I am glad i was born in 89 bc i truly got to witness such amazing story telling over the 10 years with tears being shed in endgame...Stan Lee is the greatest man ever to live if it wasnt for him we would never have seen Marvel Comics come to Big Screens and our TV.
Not to mention Stan Lee was very thoughtful and valued ppl bc during WW2 he and jack kirby actually shipped comics over to our troops so that they wouldnt feel scared and alone during war as the soliders would realize that heroes come in all sizes and shapes including ordinary humans .
Bro, is this a blatant copy of my meme or a complete coincidence
I was gonna use the same meme and put the pre and post update so i basically cut both images and stitched them in different order then applied both pre and post lol
Not to mention Stan Lee was very thoughtful and valued ppl bc during WW2 he and jack kirby actually shipped comics over to our troops so that they wouldnt feel scared and alone during war as the soliders would realize that heroes come in all sizes and shapes including ordinary humans