ragnarok_947 said:
MaxGaming said:If MCoC came on console
If MCoC came on console
TheKiryu said:
LordΔDracula said:
SantiagoEhsaan said:Spoilerwell,the text is a bit long so maybe a rant thread would be better suited.
Thanks_D19 said:SW Sigil in a nutshell
SW Sigil in a nutshell
Salve_maker05 said:Me having no Ebony maw and feeling lucky:Find out he’s getting a buff:
Me having no Ebony maw and feeling lucky:Find out he’s getting a buff:
The_beast123 said:Credits: Reddit.
Credits: Reddit.
odishika123 said:
(this is less confusing)
Before Exposure:
After Exposure:
Credit to WhiteMike40 at reddit
Credits: Reddit.