My Android Phone Overheating

VancexClaRiiVancexClaRii Member Posts: 178
Why does my android phone overheats?
Is it really due to this Game or my phone just can't handle the demand of the game?
Or I just notice this "OVER"heating thing now because there was a known issue about iOS overheating in the previous patch?

When I use my phone in a hot environment - my phone gets HOT
When I use my phone while charging - my phone gets HOT
When I play (any high end (AAA) game - I guess this includes MCOC) - my phone gets hot
When I play music while playing the game - it does overheat
When I enable Auto Sync and Auto Update using WIFI or DATA - my phone occasionally gets hot

With all that being said, I am still baffled why my phone really gets hot.

Device: Samsung S9+
OS: Latest OS
Network: Both Wifi and Data


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