% based alliance revives

Just wondering if this is something that is ever gonna be looked into and addressed. The revives for aq/war are horrible too say the least say you have a 5/65 5* champ pop a 4200 team revive for 365 units and it barely does anything too heal your champ even when you dump in 6k health potions. The average cost too revive and heal an attack team 1 time is around 1300 units that's a bit much imo but if your in a competitive alliance then at times this has too happen. Just thinking of you rolled over the questing revives aspect you will have 20%,40%, and even 60% revives this is something that really needs too be looked into even if you dropped too 15%,30%,45% revives it would be alot better than those weak 325s and 1650 that literally barely adds a sliver of health too champs. So any chance we can get some relief here or we pretty much stuck with what we got.
should be no backup for wallet warriors.
when you get ko you get ko, just hope enemy are worse than you instead of richer.
potter teams are pathetic, seeing our boss ko them 30 times while we were better and got enemy boss without a ko is ridiculous.
just remove all aq pots and boost or kabam give all teams exact same amount and same lvl of pots when war start