Evade ability!?

Just made a new account just to ask whether champions such as Spiderman or Quake have a "slow time" effect whenever they evade so that the summoner could have their breath during a fight. I am at times frustrated when my Miles Morales dodges an attack and I get hit for being too slow. Of course, it could be that I have slow reflexes but I doubt that. Honestly, something like this would make champions with a evade ability more viable.


  • Marvel2289Marvel2289 Member Posts: 1,008 ★★★
    No, but that is a good idea for Quicksilver
  • Pikachugamer211Pikachugamer211 Member Posts: 3
    Yeah but this mechanic shouldn't just be for just one character. More or less, the idea is that the game slows down during the moment that your character evades due to the lack of knowing when the evade will come into effect. Quicksilver would very well be good with a slow down effect on his own but other champions with an ability to evade should have this mechanic built in. It would be very helpful to them and again, make them more viable.
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