sabretooth has no persistant charges in alliance quest

dear @kabam
so today i decided to bring my sabretooth into alliance quest because of his persistant charges i thought it would be fun to build furies and carry them from fight to fight shredding opponents quickly after a fight or 2. after 2 fights i realized sabretooth wasnt carrying a single fury from fight to fight and actually has no persistant charges at all in alliance quest
so today i decided to bring my sabretooth into alliance quest because of his persistant charges i thought it would be fun to build furies and carry them from fight to fight shredding opponents quickly after a fight or 2. after 2 fights i realized sabretooth wasnt carrying a single fury from fight to fight and actually has no persistant charges at all in alliance quest
He spends one charge to carry fury onto next fight
Once he spends all, he cannot carry on any fury so he starts from 0 fury, and the charges are replenished again
im well aware how his ability is supposswd to function what i maybe dis a bad job of explaining is he didnt have any persistant charges after the first fight and didnt carry the 5 passive furies i built over to the second fight and as you can seee in the picture there morningstar has hers and sabretooth has already been in 2 fights so he should haveat least 2 persistant charges. furthermore you can see ms has her persistant charges symbol and sabretooth does not after 2 fights. ive completed 100% of all content (including lol) and am in a t1 platinum 1 alliance so im an expert by any definition on how champions i have function.
yea thanks for the advice if i was aiming to not be in a top 50 alliance id listen but seeing as how i am in a top50 alliqnce i dont stay there by not knowing the best way to play every champion. when your in an alliqnce thats starts day 1 with 9300 prestige you only need to do map 5 to dinish top 100
maybe i disnt explain this properly. sabretooth is supposed to have persistant charges. he disnt have any the first 2 days of this aq round. so since he had no persistant charges he wasnt carrying furies from fight to fight. let me be as clear as possible. at no time during aq did sabretooth have persistant charges. not after a fight not during a fight not at the loading screen not at all. thats the issue its since been fixed so case closed
I knew what you yeah that's definitely odd. Unfortunately there's lots of bugs right now. I haven't taken mine into AQ because he's usually on defense but haven't seen any issues with him.