Rankup advice

I completed until act 5.2.3 with ease with team : 4* r5 Vision(AOU)(undupped), 4* r5 GP(undupped), 4* r4 Corvus glave (undupped), 4* r4 Doc Oct (duped) and 4* r4 x-23 (duped).
I have mutant and cosmic t4cc ready and want to become uncollected.
Please suggest which champs to rank up next from below mentioned champs:
1. 4* r4 Doc Oct
2. 4* r4 x-23 (duped)
3. 4* r4 Corvus glave (undupped)
4. 5* r2 Red hulk (undupped)
5. 4* Luke cage (undupped)
6. 4* Sentry
7. 4* Mephisto (undupped)
8. 4* Rouge (undupped)
9. 4* Thoe (dupped)
10. 4* Moon light (Dupped)
11. 4* Wolvi (undupped)
12. 4* Rouge (undupped)
I have mutant and cosmic t4cc ready and want to become uncollected.
Please suggest which champs to rank up next from below mentioned champs:
1. 4* r4 Doc Oct
2. 4* r4 x-23 (duped)
3. 4* r4 Corvus glave (undupped)
4. 5* r2 Red hulk (undupped)
5. 4* Luke cage (undupped)
6. 4* Sentry
7. 4* Mephisto (undupped)
8. 4* Rouge (undupped)
9. 4* Thoe (dupped)
10. 4* Moon light (Dupped)
11. 4* Wolvi (undupped)
12. 4* Rouge (undupped)
1. X-23
2. Doc Oct
3. Red Hulk
4. Corvus or Thor