changing champions the day before aw season starts
so im in a competitive alliance. as though i dont have a cap iw there are seceral people in my (platinum 1) alliance that use cap iw to clear the hardest nodes such as node 24 on path 6 for example. kabam recently as in the day seasons started changed the way specials can land after you use a heavy attack. for example cap iw does his heavy gaining a fury then as the opponent is recovering blasts them with the L2. my issue isnt changing the champion or the way specials can be blocked after heavy attacks. My issue is that it was changed the day seasons started giving summoners absolutely no time to find a different way to make theyre rotation work (luckily i found a way around this and no im not sharing it cause kabam will just "fix" that also). when people are so close in death counts as we are at the top of aw in this game one death could change the outcome. making changes like the one i explained the day seasons start is not ok. in the future kabam please when you change champions, please do so with some time fo us to adjust before seasons start, thank you
If the A.I was able to chain heavies into specials, you would be begging for changes. They are making it fair for everyone.
It's exactly like how you use She-Hulk effectively. Parry, Heavy, Fire Special 2 between Hit 1 and Hit 2 on the heavy.
And that's HOW he was supposed to be. Being able to land a special on a defender you just heavied onto the ground was not supposed to be happening (no other champ can do it). They fixed a bug. Firing the special after hit 1 instead of hit 2 isn't remotely a big deal, and if you'd read up, you'd have seen the change posted here, as well as how to properly do it (cause I shared that when the change happen, because it's not a big secret, nor should how to play be something we don't tell other players). So, maybe instead of coming here to complain, read the change log when changes occur like the rest of people in Platinum do.
But the sky is never blue really... or any colour for that matter. It’s refraction of light that gives the sky a colour that we interpret as such....
Anyway, you are right in saying noone will ever agree readily. I often even only half agree, which makes things complex already. People have their own minds, as long as everybody tries to at least remain civil, things are okay. That however is much less a human nature trait..
In life any ‘threat’ will trigger a fight or flight response.
Safely behind a screen, the overall flight reaction is non-existent. So people fight, because who cares what happens at the other end? They’re not affected if someone gets angry. Internet makes people uncivil in many cases. Unfortunately..