
We are a 10M alliance looking for guys with some major skills. 99% of us have beat ROL, RTL, Chloe, Bautista and we have 14 LOL clears and counting so we have some expectations skill wise but it's definitely got it's good returns in rewards lol. About us...

Ally Tag: -mch-
AW: Tier 1 (AW Rating 2200)
AQ: 56555
U.S. based but have guys in other countries
Very organized/Adult ally/Drama Free

Event Requirements:
(We hit last milestone in all 3 day events)

SA Weekly (Average 3-5%)

Weekly Donations=160K Gold, 15k Loyalty, 40K Battlechips

Missing a requirement we ask that you donate another 40K gold, 2k BC and 1k loyalty, this makes weekly donations cheaper, rewarding those who hit reqs.

We also have a strike system to keep the moochers/slackers out. You will receive a strike for not meeting 50% of a minimum or not paying a missed req penalty by the end of the next event. 4 strikes in 1 month and your out. We've only had to kick a couple because of this. Very easy.

What We Are Looking For:
Must be atleast 200K PI
Must have Map6 experience
Must have Tier1 AW expierence
Must have 4700 Prestige
Must have atleast 1 r4 5*
Must have LINE app
Mostly want US/Canadian Players
(Boss Killers below 4700 Prestige can still contact me)

Despite our high expectations we understand that you also have a life and this is a game, officers are very understanding of life so we can always work something out when life happens. Were a chill group of guys, our core has been together a year and a half and we just wanna add to that. Anyways cheers.

Add Me If Interested
LINE: dielawn7
In-Game: oDielawn7o
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