The Future Of MCOC (constructive honest opinion)

Well looks like i don't have permission to say it in "The Future Of The Game" discussion or they removed it again or something.. so i say it here we should be able to talk about it right ?
i love MCOC but i'm not a kabam fan at the moment.. and i'm not the only one.. true there's so many negativity in the community and they are players who will never be happy with the game no matter what i understand that but let's be honest there's a reason for all the negativity and controversy.. they triggered something that will not go away easy..
there's a wide range of games out there.. just too many options so real gamers will always look for the best and switch around.. MCOC is losing these real players and the game will be left with casual players who don't care that much.. how's that going to be fun for kabam to continue the contest ?? (without excitement)..
i like the community to be more fun and positive.. i want kabam to introduce new stuff with excitement.. MCOC should be a positive experience for marvel fans and all the players.. but for many of us it's not.. for example with all the negative stuff in the game aside i can't even enjoy my favorite character he's too weak (carnage)..
so yea there's too many things to say.. they won't do anything about it they will keep moving forward the way they think it should be..
i love MCOC but i'm not a kabam fan at the moment.. and i'm not the only one.. true there's so many negativity in the community and they are players who will never be happy with the game no matter what i understand that but let's be honest there's a reason for all the negativity and controversy.. they triggered something that will not go away easy..
there's a wide range of games out there.. just too many options so real gamers will always look for the best and switch around.. MCOC is losing these real players and the game will be left with casual players who don't care that much.. how's that going to be fun for kabam to continue the contest ?? (without excitement)..
i like the community to be more fun and positive.. i want kabam to introduce new stuff with excitement.. MCOC should be a positive experience for marvel fans and all the players.. but for many of us it's not.. for example with all the negative stuff in the game aside i can't even enjoy my favorite character he's too weak (carnage)..
so yea there's too many things to say.. they won't do anything about it they will keep moving forward the way they think it should be..
Simply saying there is a problem doesn't really help them fix it. Constructive feedback must be constructive in that it gives recommendations on how to fix the problems.
So....ball is still in your court?
we do.. nothing happens
i did.. in other Discussion.. posts like this means we care about the game
i want to hear your opinion.. that's just me.. maybe you see the future of MCOC different.. share your opinion update for overheating (android devices)
2.after fixing some bugs we see new ones.. it would be cool not having that + lagging
3.server issues need to be seriously looked into
4.i get it they have their own thing but still champions abilities,class,etc. should a little make sense right ? (moving on)
5.exciting side quests with a good time structure
6.being creative with introducing new stuff for example peak milestones is pretty cool.. (new Villain use event is really cool)
7.better communication (i think we all agree that sometimes MCOC can be stressful and better communication will help a lot.. answering questions.. clarifying things.. give community info about changes.. takes a long time to rank up your champs , make decisions and after ranking up if something changes or gets nerfed you understand why that's not cool !
there's just too many i don't have the time to write all of it.. i just think that MCOC has so much potential and we all need to help the game to reach that point.. all i can do is giving opinion.. i'm not kabam
I agree. I for one am one of the so called whales and I, like most of my colleages are not going to spend as much on the game because of the treatments we get from this company, the bugs galore, the bad support, and the list goes on. And you are right, spenders will spend and they aren't going to put a high priority in a lot of these bugs if they don't need to, but I think it is coming to a point for the spenders where the bugs are way too many. is going down and sales will be lower.
Okay, so to break this down and to understand you suggestions to address this issue, and add my own commentary for clarification for the points I believe that you are trying to land -
1. They've already said they're working on this, and are gathering device info in the Bugs forum to get it addressed as soon as possible.
2. It's often impossible to be 100% certain that new content will not have a bug of some sort. In a game like this, that's this expansive, and has this many separate interactions, bugs are always, always going to happen. A good constructive suggestion might be a "Bug Board" of some sort, where we can see active bugs being worked on and suggest others.
3. They likely are, that information simply cannot be shared with us. They look into an issue - and if that's the maximum amount of detail they can share, it's because that's what they are contractually allowed to say.
4. This one is a little bit vague, so I'm not sure what you're getting at here. I'd need more details if you're looking for this to be articulate feedback that they could potentially action on.
5. So, they regularly do side quests with different time structures. If the ones they have done for you don't work - articulate why, make a suggestion instead. From their perspective, they've already done this, and your #5 doesn't offer additional detail. An example of constructive feedback for this might be something like "8 hour side quests get very exhausting over the month, could we bring back the 24-hour? Or the 12 hour? Those were more feasible without the burnout!"
6. There's a TON that they have done the past 5-6 months that fulfills this, so I'd actually go so far as to say there's nothing to critique here - other than ways that some of the events could have been donee better/differently.
7. Yes, communication needs to be better, on both sides. I don't think anyone here would disagree with you. But both sides need to understand there are certain things that can and can't be said at a given time. If they don't know - and then a month later they DO know, that's not their fault, that's simply the way things are in this game. They're not trying to upset/screw anyone over. Now with that being said - I would like to see a couple of different things done in terms of communication from Kabam, specifically -
-A tl;dr summary of a long post at the end giving the basics to make it quick/easy to see what is changing and how
-Return of Q&A posts - in the past, when new things were released, there was always a second mod post that was "bookmarked" for Q&A stuff that was answered in the thread. I'd like to see that consistently available AND added to announcement posts when it is necessary to help address misinformation (and to make mod posts easier to find)
-A calendar. This might sound hilarious - but with all of the events going on at any one time, especially with all of the changes that have taken place in the past few months, the new content coming, what is going to be available when - Line bots specifically exist because this information isn't readily available outside of one sentence in a post of the content itself!
Being constructive is about being specific, detailed, explaining what is wrong, and what your suggestions are to make it better. Yes, there are people that do that here on the forums, and do it well. But just because one person does it, and, heaven forbid, their post gets deleted, doesn't mean that we should suddenly stop being constructive and turn into enormous rage monsters.
tl;dr - I took your constructive suggestions, added details, specifics and turned them into possible feasible things that Kabam could implement, or acknowledged that they already have been.