Red Skull Adaptpid fight tips

The only thing I’ve been able to do without Blade is this fight is about 5% damage and then i have to rely on Blades Danger Sense to nullify his regen and power gain. Any good advice for beating this guy? I most high tier champs at R5 4*. SES Blade GR Hype Medusa Void


  • Crimson8399Crimson8399 Member Posts: 766 ★★★
    Medusa shuts him down with armor shatter. Ronan can infinite stun once hes got enough buffs. Morning Star S2 can wreck him pretty good as well as Magiks S3.
  • RCunhaRCunha Member Posts: 375 ★★
    For the adaptoid use Ronan, i used my 3* full and took him down with 210 hits chain stun him with the sp1, as for Red Skull i used Hyperion, my biggest damage dealer, you have to bait out the heavy atacks and the specials, and intercept him, you can't beat him while he blocks it will kill you.
  • Crimson8399Crimson8399 Member Posts: 766 ★★★
    Voodoo is a perfect counter to red skull. Also anyone with armor break works well. Or like RC said, just bait the S1.
  • NabiletyNabilety Member Posts: 54
    So, my initial thought was to just wreck the Hydra Adaptoid with my 4-star R5 Medusa - but because you take so much block damage, it's a bit difficult, if you end up blocking instead parrying successfully. So, my solution was to bringing my 5-star R4 Quake, heavy charging him to get his health down as much as possible, and then let my Medusa take over. I must admit it's probably not the easiest option, because you constantly have to evade his attack, and try to prevent him from hitting your blocks and generate power. But most times I managed to get him down to 40%, which was the right amount for my Medusa to take him down.
    In your case, I think your Void is ideal - I'm not too familiar with him, but I know he can reverse a bit of that healing, and then use your Medusa to finish him. Also, if you're unfamiliar with intercepting and unblockable, I really recommend you watch some YouTube videos, to understand, how to deal with unblockable, because explaining it can be a tad confusing.
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