Guillotine Question
Of course its regarding the adaptoid. Would her regen reversal work on him? I dont have a duped Ronan and trying to figure out the best option. A lot of it is my fault because I have to evade the l1 and l2 better and NOT run in to attack after. I can get to the adaptoid easily with almost full health on everyone but on master, hes tough but seems doable, unlike Heimdale who I just had to keep reviving phoenix to take out. Im going to use Magik as well once shes unlocked from Quest. Im new with guillotine and only used her here and there and to take out Wolv in ROL.
Heimdall...There are no words. No champs I had, even maxed sig Witch, could power control him before L3. Just ended up reviving team, getting damage in, then use Phoenix to bounce back from L3.
Red Skull killed me off because I went in and tapped him to wake him up... painful taps...
Heimdall is evading that initial L2, blocking the second part of it. After that, bait his L1.
Kinda tricky, but once you get that out of the way, it’s a pretty straight fight.