
Looking for tips on how to use this beast, have a 5 star on rank 3, havent used him much and looking for tips please.
Lay man terms on how to use/ what effect his charges do/are would be great too
Lay man terms on how to use/ what effect his charges do/are would be great too
Thanks for the response 👍🏻 All help is appreciated
My typical opening routine is:
MLLLM (5 hits)
MLLM (9 hits)
MLLLM SP1 (17 hits)
MM (19 hits)
In most arena fights, this is about as far as I get before they go down. Sabretooth activates a temporary active fury buff with every 10th hit on his combo meter. By using an L1 while it's active, you convert it to a permanent passive one that can be carried from fight to fight when questing.
Not all fury is created equal with him.
L3>10-hit combo>L2
The L3 is the strongest one fury, but it has a very short duration. If you can use an L3 to finish the fight, he'll convert it to a permanent fury for the next fight. L2 is a weak fury, but it becomes a permanent passive buff right away, so low risk, low reward. The L1 sequence I gave above is going to be your best bet in most standard fights.
Once you get that down, you can practice converting furies without an L1, which involves backing up and idling (not blocking) for 1 second. It's risky, but it can pay off when you don't have an L1 ready or you otherwise fumble the sequence.
He becomes and absolute damage machine after 2-3 fights.
He is an absolute damage monster. One of my favorite champs to use. Mine is at R4 unduped and I would do it again in a heartbeat. Just like @Mirage_Turtle mentioned, that unique Killmonger synergy is awesome as a Masochism counter.