Regards to language within the contest

I find that many times posting within game chat censor gets it wrong, but then I find this little gem within current quest...

While not as offensive as some comments, it is something that censor won’t let through in chats, but quite ok to be in quests where everyone can see it

While not as offensive as some comments, it is something that censor won’t let through in chats, but quite ok to be in quests where everyone can see it
I do agree though, the chat filters in game are screwed in somewhat tight.
In some cases to an extent where I’m talking to someone and entire sentences get hashed out without there being anything offensive in there.
There should be a toggle for the filter. On or off, choose it yourself.
Leave global as is, filtered fully.
In one story quest (maybe act 3, can’t remember) War Machine is the boss and in the story text he mentions that he’s “legally obligated to kick your ass”
And more recently, Gwenpool mentioning a “can of whoop-ass” in the red skull quest (GP goes to the movies)
Those gave me a good laugh, and yeah I get what you mean.
To be fair, the game is Rated Teen. That's entirely up to the discretion of the parents. I'm not familiar with many teens that have never heard that word.