
ShadowBlade075ShadowBlade075 Member Posts: 126
Kabam we NEED compensation now.
We have had yet another emergency mantince twice today and you shouldn't be giving us compensation a month or so after you need to give it to us while we are unhappy because other wise people will just stop playing the game.
I am sertian alot of people agree with me here.
We should get at least 3k 5* shards and some other things like health and revive potions energy refills.


  • Mathking13Mathking13 Member Posts: 988 ★★★
    lol people have been leaving the game in droves already... you really would have thought that Kabam would have put two and two together and figured that they need to at least be interacting with the community a bit more...

    I've been sorta considering leaving the game for the last 3 or so months. I think Kabam has done a fairly nice job with the Gwenpool Goes to the Movies event, and that could sort of be seen as 'compensation'... but yeah still would have expected more. How about buffing the rewards for next month's Event Quest? Like SIGNIFICANTLY MORE. But still I think compensation in the normal sense (just straight up FREE STUFF) is the BEST sort of compensation.
  • SpeedbumpSpeedbump Member Posts: 1,520 ★★★
    You're going to play or not going to play, it makes no difference really. Just play and try to have fun, the compensation will come when they are ready to release it. Don't make demands like you some one of importance. (Cause your not) :'(B):'(
  • PudgehooksPudgehooks Member Posts: 13
    They won't give compensation. Compensation is only if u spend real money of about 1 grand for consumables and due to maintenance u lose all of them. Then kabam will provide a compensation of items work 10 bucks. My statement is just a pun, don't take it literally.
  • CassyCassy Member Posts: 1,108 ★★★
    i will be disliked for that, but:
    they dont tell us where or what the issue was. maybe (just Maybe) the fault ist not on their side happened. Contracts do not allow or suggest to tell everyone who is responsible, but when ist NOT ther fault (again assuming that) its not likely they give compansation.

  • MyselfandiMyselfandi Member Posts: 165
    It isn't coming. When are you going to get it? Kabam doesn't care about you, or anyone else that supports they're multi-million dollar game. They only care about you're money... so why would they pay back all the cash they gained with these bugs via compensation? Makes no sense in they're minds.

    Unfortunately I will have to agree
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