Who to use a 4* Generic Awakening Gem on?

I've almost completed Act 4 and thus, the rare 4* GAG is going to be mine. I'm stuck on who to use it on though. My viable 4* champs are:
Starlord; Scarlet Witch; Ghost; Doctor Voodoo; Magik; Original Spiderman; Wolverine; Domino & Medusa.
All constructive opinions are welcome.
Starlord; Scarlet Witch; Ghost; Doctor Voodoo; Magik; Original Spiderman; Wolverine; Domino & Medusa.
All constructive opinions are welcome.
leaning towards domino tho
SW is great on offense with those buffs, but meh on defense, but who cares about SW on defense anyways
Voodoo is bad against poison immunes
domino is both great on O and D. just my thoughts tho, dont hate
For AWD u can use it for Medusa, Domino, OG Spidey.
And then there's no wrong picks in ur case. U have really great champs, so whatever u decide, it's really okay.
He is not bad against poison immune, just use his special 2 with a even combo and power drain the champ and you get that extra damage
Only 2 worth it imo is Switch and StarLord
He’s great when he’s awakened