Alliance rating drops down suddenly

ArnavArnav Member Posts: 47
Yesterday our alliance was Silver 3 tier 11 in alliance war and war rating was 1100+ but then suddenly in morning it drops down to bronze 1 and also rating to 800 😞 And the funny part is that in alliance description its showing Gold 3 wth is this going on kabam. How can you do that 😡😈


  • Lightingrod7Lightingrod7 Member Posts: 166 ★★
    The leaderboard update?
  • ArnavArnav Member Posts: 47
    Lightingrod7 yeah leaderboard update its bronze 1 but why is that gold 3 showing in alliance description
    We are on war wins streak since last month still tbey downgrade us... feel so bad 😡
  • Darkstar4387Darkstar4387 Member Posts: 2,145 ★★★
    A war rating of 300 is due to someone violating their terms of service, they could be account sharring, piolting, and or hacking and is the only way that happens
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