I thought I’d say something nice to help break up the forum. Kabam! Great job on ghost!

I recently pulled a ghost and after playing around with her for a few days I think she’s my favorite champion. She’s super hard to use but there’s great reward in mastering her and she’s got incredible utility, great job with the character my favorite yet!
Most savage response from a mod I’ve ever seen.
Hey, I bet you'd be in a weird hunchback slouch if your molecules were constantly getting torn apart and put back together. #NotHerFault
Totally meant as a light hearted joke! It's just that Ghost is definitely not a bad pull!
For sure. She's great.
I sensed a little Jealousy in your quote there Miike.
I’m pretty sure, and would be willing to bet one of my top champs, on the fact that the member of the character development team who was designing ghost wanted to make her really, really bad just so that when someone pulled her they would just yell “Piss off Ghost!”
Savage is the new slang theses days.... doesn’t mean aggressive or anything
Now we know who’s the Jokester in the class 😂
Please pop in and make more jokes on random threads.
A fun loving MCoC player
Or you know reply to the ones about compensation and overheating that have been ignored or shut down just as quick.
p.s. I will say though, as much as I really love ghost (and I really do) I would keep her as a 5 star exclusive. I think as a 6 star she would be too brutal with adrenaline (unless act 6 is gonna be a serious difficulty jump) as the current difficulty of the game goes.