Current Issues

Along with other people, I'm also experiencing several problems with the Contest. Overheating and lag along with the time to sign in being longer.
I don't know if anyone else has the problems but I've been having them.
1. Random Champions
At random times there will be a random Champion in the background. One time I was in the Champion Selection screen before beginning a fight. I was about to fight Abomination in the "Incredible Hulk" chapter of Gwenpool Goes to the Movies and in the back ground was Abomination and Hulk in the background, inside of each other. Another time I was in the Crystal Vault and there was Hulkbuster with his back turned to me.
2. Alliance War Season 2 Rewards
Has anyone else received their Season 2 Rewards yet because I haven't. I don't know if anyone else in my Alliance has either. I put in my Alliance Chat that I didn't get them, and one of my Alliance members asked if I was active during the whole season, which I was. I participated in every War. I don't know what's wrong. If anyone can explain this to me, I'd really appreciate it.
I don't know if anyone else has the problems but I've been having them.
1. Random Champions
At random times there will be a random Champion in the background. One time I was in the Champion Selection screen before beginning a fight. I was about to fight Abomination in the "Incredible Hulk" chapter of Gwenpool Goes to the Movies and in the back ground was Abomination and Hulk in the background, inside of each other. Another time I was in the Crystal Vault and there was Hulkbuster with his back turned to me.
2. Alliance War Season 2 Rewards
Has anyone else received their Season 2 Rewards yet because I haven't. I don't know if anyone else in my Alliance has either. I put in my Alliance Chat that I didn't get them, and one of my Alliance members asked if I was active during the whole season, which I was. I participated in every War. I don't know what's wrong. If anyone can explain this to me, I'd really appreciate it.
I'm aware, but finally decided to get it out there because I thought I should've waited. More than one month and still nothing.
If you left the Alliance before Rewards were sent, you won't receive them.
I'm still with the same Alliance.
Ok. Did you receive any punitive actions? Not sure if they withhold Rewards or not. Best case is to open a Support Ticket if you're confused.
How do I open a Support Ticket?
Still in the same Alliance; participate in every War.