Rank down tickets

There is always talk of rank down tickets in compensation or just in general at all times. I wish I had a few myself right as well. I write this to start the conversation of having rank down tickets twice a year regularly. Have them valid for a week and expire if not used within that week.
Rank downs are a natural byproduct of the constant change in this game. A new awesome character come out and you are so excited and you are luck to get said character to rank up! Just to find this character is not working as intended and will “fixed”. A character does awesome on a node in war and you rank up for it.... just to find the node is changed and that character is useless.
My point is.... EVERYTHING CHANGES and a character that was awesome last year is horrible this year. Is that fair to the people that spend their hard earned money on the game? I really do not think so.... I propose one rank down per 3 / 4 / 5* ever 6 months to help balance out the changes that we have no choice but to swallow.
Thank you
Rank downs are a natural byproduct of the constant change in this game. A new awesome character come out and you are so excited and you are luck to get said character to rank up! Just to find this character is not working as intended and will “fixed”. A character does awesome on a node in war and you rank up for it.... just to find the node is changed and that character is useless.
My point is.... EVERYTHING CHANGES and a character that was awesome last year is horrible this year. Is that fair to the people that spend their hard earned money on the game? I really do not think so.... I propose one rank down per 3 / 4 / 5* ever 6 months to help balance out the changes that we have no choice but to swallow.
Thank you
This discussion has been closed.
Rank down tickets will not be issued.
Rank down tickets should not be issued.
This thread will be closed.
Please stop posting about rank down tickets.
Lol...giving rank down tickets would stop people from asking for rank down tickets? Yes and no. Yes they would stop asking in the immediate future. But no in the sense that whenever Kabam given this community something, they invariably ask for more.
You are correct... there was but what I am saying is that this should NOT be because “compensation” but a regular part of the game. Please read my post before bashing it.
That's how it works.
The thread wasn't closed because they were asking for RDT as compensation. The thread was closed because they asked for RDT at all. Just like this one will/should be.
You have a point but you never know until you try. There have been 2 points in time we have gotten rank downs and both have been appreciated by the community in general.
Your "argument" is no different than the other 500 posts about RDT's. They aren't for constant changes in the game. That is call evolution and progress. As @Raganator said we are able to get more and more resources to rank other and new champs all the time. This is part of the game. Our current, used resources are not meant to be used over and over again to rank up/rank down. They haven't made any changes like 12.0 since then and they won't do that again. No champ has been changed at all. These threads need to go away.
Yes we are constantly getting more resources and ranking up more characters but will I ever use my R4 Green Goblin again... probably not. I have 13 R4 5* or higher but in this game of limited resources I would love to use those on something useful. Thanks
What would you do if RDT's were never a thing? You'd still have 13 R4 5*'s.... You made the choice to rank 13 5*'s to R4, not Kabam. You can hold 12 T2A in stash and make better choices. That's all on you.
Rank down tickets being “part of the game” would be worse than compensation. Why bother thinking about your rank ups if you can just rank them down?
Edit: I had read your post, and that’s why I said what I did. No post asking for rank down tickets will be good for the game unless there’s a nerf or change to a champion. Get over it bud.
Another non facts personalized post.
If I had the ability to select the champion I want shame on me for ranking up without thinking but it’s luck at some point u have to rank what u have not what u want
That's why you use said Champ to earn more Resources to Rank what you want later.
That’s why you don’t get rank down tickets for no reason.
The whole argument about rank down tickets is not center about obtaining t4cc or t1a or t4b, it’s about getting the t2a back because say what you want but that is the resource you don’t get easily. No one cares about anything else
That's the point. You have to play to earn more. Ranking is a decision we make that is irreversible. We don't do it expecting to get the Cats back. We Rank, earn more, and Rank again. Doesn't matter what it is.
What's the point of creating content then? Should they just give us resources at the start and champions and all we have to do is wait for RDT's to move resources around?
Is one thing to talk about 19.0 and how rank down is not valid, it's another to just close a thread on rank down. Everyone has equal opportunity on this topic if you don't think it's for you move on to a different thread.
So because my opinion is different I shouldn’t comment? Nice idea there.
There has pretty much been a rank down ticket thread every day since 12.0. Forgive me if I’m a little annoyed at people asking for rank down tickets. They have been asked for in every conceivable way they could be given out: For free, for units, for gold, once every X amount of days/months/ weeks, as an event, as a gift, as an apology, for a nerf, for a buff, because kabam should, as a trade for champions/iso/units/gold, as a reward for an arena/an event/ a quest, as a balance to the game, for compensation, for people’s birthdays. Can you see why I’m annoyed yet?