Community 19.0 and 19.1 chat

Hey! Much like the community around me, I’m tired of waiting in the dark, not knowing what’s going on with the 19.0 and 19.1 compensation? It’s been about 2 months so far that we’ve been waiting... we’ve had a lot more “maintenance” than usual and bugs, such as overheating and lag... as a devoted player of Marvel’s Contest of Champions I am very disappointed to see a once great game turn to ashes. It is really unjust that we all have to sit and wait months at a time for something that we as a community deserve to know so much about! So many of my alli mates have quit already because of these issues (overheating, lag and lack of communication on kabam’s part). @Kabam Miike , @Kabam Lyra , all we ask is that you please communicate more with the player base and at least give us a timeline as to when we can expect the game to be fixed (more or less anyways for that matter) and as to when we can expect compensation.
Yours Truly
Littlest Deadpool
Yours Truly
Littlest Deadpool
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