Looking for 9 players or BG to join our alliance.

We need nine mature, communicative, friendly players that show up when needed to join us. We want to get back to running map 5x5 and AW tier 8 (gold 2) simultaneously. We like to complete most events (arena ones are excluded).
You must have 16 top champs (rank 5 4*s/rank 3 5*s) in order to enjoy all aspects of the game. We do not want to babysit, therefore you need to be proactive and aware of what everyone in this game is after. Contact me for further details: Vinicio O.(in-game), Vinicio_o (Line) or search my in-game name in ClanHQ.

You must have 16 top champs (rank 5 4*s/rank 3 5*s) in order to enjoy all aspects of the game. We do not want to babysit, therefore you need to be proactive and aware of what everyone in this game is after. Contact me for further details: Vinicio O.(in-game), Vinicio_o (Line) or search my in-game name in ClanHQ.