Parry and Dexterity ID glitch. Oh yeah and more Sprite Glitches

Yeah you see that thing? "MS_ID_UI_MASTERIES_HUD_PARRY"? Yeah that's me making use of the Parry Mastery. Same sort of thing was happening with Dexterity as well. I'm guessing that's the bits of file that tell the game about how the Parry and Dexterity masteries interact with the fighting interface thingy? (Seriously, I'm interested. If you are allowed to tell me, please do.)
Oh yeah I've only seen this in AQ. Haven't tested it anywhere else.
Note: This doesn't really have any direct impact on the gameplay. Just thought you guys might want to know.

Okay let's now go into a little bit of funny stuff coming off of this whole Champion Sprites stuff. Yeah the Ronan on the left in the first pic, and behind my Gamora in the 2nd one. He's not actually the one I'm fighting. He just stood there for the entire fight.
Has only happened in that one fight so far for me. (This was my 2nd path on the Epic Difficulty GotG quest in the Gwenpool event)
Again, note that NEITHER of these glitches have had a direct impact on the game. It's just something that looks funny, and just happens to be unintended... Seriously I've been having a whole lot more fun with the game by seeing these things. But that's purely cause they don't directly make my experience very different... just funny stuff happening.
Oh yeah, and thanks for the Assassin Assignment Compensation, I guess.