Is it usual for Iceman's armor to not be there?

Just done two fights with Iceman and in both fights I had no ice armor. I don't know if it is a bug or if their is a reason why. Any help would be welcome.
First fight was against maphisto in arena
Second fight was against black widow in AW


  • MattyPerlerMattyPerler Member Posts: 91
    Here is an example of what I mean. No armor buff on my iceman
  • GAM3RGUYGAM3RGUY Member Posts: 203
    Mephisto prohibits the gain of any buff and BW decrease differencive ability accuracy hence decreasing the chance to gain ice armour
  • KaruseusKaruseus Member Posts: 528 ★★
    There’s more. Sabertooth with his synergy with panthers or killmonger can remove icearmor by stunning him with parry. Iceman won’t regenerate his ice armor unless he uses sp3
  • MattyPerlerMattyPerler Member Posts: 91
    Thanks a mil guys. Just managed to get the worsed fights for him one after another!
  • Ab_SamadAb_Samad Member Posts: 386 ★★
    Just done two fights with Iceman and in both fights I had no ice armor. I don't know if it is a bug or if their is a reason why. Any help would be welcome.
    First fight was against maphisto in arena
    Second fight was against black widow in AW
    Hit sp3 and you'll get your ice armor
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